Si echamos un vistazo a la prensa del día, tendremos la oportunidad de leer este panegírico de los Hermanos Musulmanes publicado en el País o este artículo de la Vanguardía donde se insiste en el dogma de fe periodistico de moda estos últimos días, que consiste en presentarnos a los Hermanos Musulmanes como un grupo islamista, si; pero pacífico, moderado, pragmático y democrático. Sin embargo, eso no es cierto. Los Hermanos Musulmanes, fundados por Hassan Al-Banna en 1928, ni son pacificos ni moderados. Son islamistas partidarios del Yihad, antisemitas y por tanto anti-israelíes, anti-Occidentales (empezaron odiando al colonialismo británico y actualmente EEUU es su enemigo), y partidarios de instalar un régimen teocrático basado en una interpretación fundamentalista y ultraconservadora de la ley Islámica. Además, tampoco son democráticos. Hassan Al-Banna consideraba la democracia como un sistema político decadente, occidental y ajeno a la tradicion islámica. Al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb y los principales teóricos de la Hermandad Musulmana siempre sintieron fascinación por los regímenes totalitarios y muy especialmente por los fascismos europeos de los años 30 y 40 del siglo pasado. De hecho, las relaciones entre la Alemania Nazi y los Hermanos Musulmanes fueron mucho más allá de un matrimonio de conveniencia que favorecía a ambas partes. David Meir Levi resume perfectamente esta situación en su acertadísimo artículo "The Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism and Islamic Jihad" (pp. 7-8) :
"Long before the war, Al Banna had developed an islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler`s nazism. Both movements sought world conquests and domination. Both were triumphalist and supremacist: in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in Al Banna`s Islam, the muslim religion must hold domination. Both advocated subordination of individual to a folkish central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community: in Islam, the Umma (community of all believers); and in Nazism the Herrenvolk (Master race). Both Worshipped the unifying totalitarian of the Caliph or Führer. And both rabidly hated the jews and sought their destruction. As the brotherhood `s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated practical interactions. That created a full-blown alliance, with all the pomp and panoply of formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt as well as sub rosa joint ventures. Al-Banna`s followers easily transplanted into the arab world a newly nazified form of traditional muslim jew-hated; With arab translation of the Mein Kampf (translated into arabic as "My Jihad") and other nazi antisemitic works, incluiding Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the jew as the demonic enemy of Allah. When the Second World War broke out, Al Banna Worked to firm up a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, and urged them to assist him in his struggle against the british and the westernize regime of King Farouk. The intelligence service of muslim brotherhood vigorously collected information on the heads of the regime in Cairo and on the movements of british army, offering this and more to the Germans in return for closer relations".
Sin embargo, este historial totalitario, antisemita, fundamentalista y racista de los Hermanos Musulmanes es totalmente omitido en nuestros medios, que prefieren seguir difundiendo el dogma de la supuesta moderación de la Hermandad Musulmana. Tal y como ocurrió hace setenta años, los medios de comunicación europeos vuelven a actuar como caballos de Troya del totalitarismo, en este caso del de los Hermanos Musulmanes.
(HM quemando banderas de Israel. Sin duda la mayor expresión de su democracia... -- GM cremant banderes d`Israel. Sens dubte la major expressió de la seva democràcia).
En català: si fem una ullada a la premsa del dia, podrem trobar articles, com aquests del País o La Vanguardia, on es fa un panegíric dels Germans Musulmans o almenys ens els presenten com a islamistes, si; però pacifics, moderats, pragmàtics i demòcrates. Tanmateix, això no és pas cert. Els Germans musulmans, fundats per Hassan Al-Banna a l`any 1928, en realitat són islamistes radicals partidaris del Jihad, antisemites i per tant anti-israelians, antioccidentals (van començar a ser anti-britànics i actualment són rabiosament anti-nordamericans), i partidaris d`implantar un règim teocràtic inspirat en la seva visió fonamentalista de la Sharia islàmica. A més a més, tampoc són precisament demòcrates. Hassan Al-Banna defensava que la democràcia era un sistema decadent, occidental i totalment aliè al Islam. De fet, Al Banna i els altres grans teòrics de la Germandat Musulmana, com Sayyid Qutb, van sentir una veritable fascinació pels règims totalitaris i molt especialment pels règims feixistes europeus dels anys 30-40 del segle passat. Les relacions entre els Germans Musulmans i els nazis alemanys van anar molt més enllà d`un simple matrimoni de conveniència que satisfeia a ambdues parts. En David Meir Levi ens resum aquesta situació en el seu encertat article "The Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism and Islamic Jihad" (pp. 7-8):
"Long before the war, Al Banna had developed an islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler`s nazism. Both movements sought world conquests and domination. Both were triumphalist and supremacist: in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in Al Banna`s Islam, the muslim religion must hold domination. Both advocated subordination of individual to a folkish central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community: in Islam, the Umma (community of all believers); and in Nazism the Herrenvolk (Master race). Both Worshipped the unifying totalitarian of the Caliph or Führer. And both rabidly hated the jews and sought their destruction. As the brotherhood `s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated practical interactions. That created a full-blown alliance, with all the pomp and panoply of formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt as well as sub rosa joint ventures. Al-Banna`s followers easily transplanted into the arab world a newly nazified form of traditional muslim jew-hated; With arab translation of the Mein Kampf (translated into arabic as "My Jihad") and other nazi antisemitic works, incluiding Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the jew as the demonic enemy of Allah. When the Second World War broke out, Al Banna Worked to firm up a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, and urged them to assist him in his struggle against the british and the westernize regime of King Farouk. The intelligence service of muslim brotherhood vigorously collected information on the heads of the regime in Cairo and on the movements of british army, offering this and more to the Germans in return for closer relations".
Desgraciadament, aquest historial antisemita, racista, antidemòcratic i totalitari dels Germans Musulmans majorment es silenciat als nostres mitjans, que s`estimem més presentar-nos a la Germandat Musulmana com pacifics, demòcrates i tolerants. De nou, al igual que fa setanta anys, la prensa europea torna a jugar a ser el cavall de Troia del totalitarisme, en aquest cas del dels Germans Musulmans.
"Long before the war, Al Banna had developed an islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler`s nazism. Both movements sought world conquests and domination. Both were triumphalist and supremacist: in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in Al Banna`s Islam, the muslim religion must hold domination. Both advocated subordination of individual to a folkish central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community: in Islam, the Umma (community of all believers); and in Nazism the Herrenvolk (Master race). Both Worshipped the unifying totalitarian of the Caliph or Führer. And both rabidly hated the jews and sought their destruction. As the brotherhood `s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated practical interactions. That created a full-blown alliance, with all the pomp and panoply of formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt as well as sub rosa joint ventures. Al-Banna`s followers easily transplanted into the arab world a newly nazified form of traditional muslim jew-hated; With arab translation of the Mein Kampf (translated into arabic as "My Jihad") and other nazi antisemitic works, incluiding Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the jew as the demonic enemy of Allah. When the Second World War broke out, Al Banna Worked to firm up a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, and urged them to assist him in his struggle against the british and the westernize regime of King Farouk. The intelligence service of muslim brotherhood vigorously collected information on the heads of the regime in Cairo and on the movements of british army, offering this and more to the Germans in return for closer relations".
Sin embargo, este historial totalitario, antisemita, fundamentalista y racista de los Hermanos Musulmanes es totalmente omitido en nuestros medios, que prefieren seguir difundiendo el dogma de la supuesta moderación de la Hermandad Musulmana. Tal y como ocurrió hace setenta años, los medios de comunicación europeos vuelven a actuar como caballos de Troya del totalitarismo, en este caso del de los Hermanos Musulmanes.

En català: si fem una ullada a la premsa del dia, podrem trobar articles, com aquests del País o La Vanguardia, on es fa un panegíric dels Germans Musulmans o almenys ens els presenten com a islamistes, si; però pacifics, moderats, pragmàtics i demòcrates. Tanmateix, això no és pas cert. Els Germans musulmans, fundats per Hassan Al-Banna a l`any 1928, en realitat són islamistes radicals partidaris del Jihad, antisemites i per tant anti-israelians, antioccidentals (van començar a ser anti-britànics i actualment són rabiosament anti-nordamericans), i partidaris d`implantar un règim teocràtic inspirat en la seva visió fonamentalista de la Sharia islàmica. A més a més, tampoc són precisament demòcrates. Hassan Al-Banna defensava que la democràcia era un sistema decadent, occidental i totalment aliè al Islam. De fet, Al Banna i els altres grans teòrics de la Germandat Musulmana, com Sayyid Qutb, van sentir una veritable fascinació pels règims totalitaris i molt especialment pels règims feixistes europeus dels anys 30-40 del segle passat. Les relacions entre els Germans Musulmans i els nazis alemanys van anar molt més enllà d`un simple matrimoni de conveniència que satisfeia a ambdues parts. En David Meir Levi ens resum aquesta situació en el seu encertat article "The Nazi roots of Palestinian Nationalism and Islamic Jihad" (pp. 7-8):
"Long before the war, Al Banna had developed an islamic religious ideology which previewed Hitler`s nazism. Both movements sought world conquests and domination. Both were triumphalist and supremacist: in Nazism the Aryan must rule, while in Al Banna`s Islam, the muslim religion must hold domination. Both advocated subordination of individual to a folkish central power. Both were explicitly anti-nationalist in the sense that they believed in the liquidation of the nation-state in favor of a trans-national unifying community: in Islam, the Umma (community of all believers); and in Nazism the Herrenvolk (Master race). Both Worshipped the unifying totalitarian of the Caliph or Führer. And both rabidly hated the jews and sought their destruction. As the brotherhood `s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany developed, these parallels facilitated practical interactions. That created a full-blown alliance, with all the pomp and panoply of formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt as well as sub rosa joint ventures. Al-Banna`s followers easily transplanted into the arab world a newly nazified form of traditional muslim jew-hated; With arab translation of the Mein Kampf (translated into arabic as "My Jihad") and other nazi antisemitic works, incluiding Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the jew as the demonic enemy of Allah. When the Second World War broke out, Al Banna Worked to firm up a formal alliance with Hitler and Mussolini. He sent them letters and emissaries, and urged them to assist him in his struggle against the british and the westernize regime of King Farouk. The intelligence service of muslim brotherhood vigorously collected information on the heads of the regime in Cairo and on the movements of british army, offering this and more to the Germans in return for closer relations".
Desgraciadament, aquest historial antisemita, racista, antidemòcratic i totalitari dels Germans Musulmans majorment es silenciat als nostres mitjans, que s`estimem més presentar-nos a la Germandat Musulmana com pacifics, demòcrates i tolerants. De nou, al igual que fa setanta anys, la prensa europea torna a jugar a ser el cavall de Troia del totalitarisme, en aquest cas del dels Germans Musulmans.
3 comentaris:
Quina harmonia d'opinions a l'Àgora d'ahir, tema revolta àrab, però amb un ull ja sabem a on i l'altre amb la cantarella, entre d'altres, dels germans musulmans i el seu bon rotllo... :-s
Jaume, a veure si et conviden a tu. I al capità Haddock i al Moré, i entre tots els feu una bona repassada! I de passada xalem un estona nosaltres, que ja ens toca. Que també paguem tv3!
Tens tota la raó, de l'antijudaisme dels Germans musulmans, ni una paraula, no fos cas que espatllés aquesta revolució tan bonica que aquests periodistets de TV3 descriuen tal i com desitjarien que fos.
Si, aquesta visió bonista de la "revolta" egipcia contra Mubarak i del caràcter suposadament pragmàtic, demòcrata i moderat dels Germans Musulmans és general als nostres mitjans :S
Tanmateix, la judeofòbia es ben present a les manifestacions d`aquests darrers dies a la plaça Tahrir i la premsa no ha obert boca perquè no fós cas que una veritat els hi espatllés un bon titular:
Tant de bó jo vagi errat però em temo que a la llarga el govern q surti de la transició democràtica post Mubarak tingui un marcat caràcter anti-occidental i especialment anti-israelià.
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